
How does it work?

Inviertis guide to successfully invest in Rental Properties with tenants in Spain

  • Search

    Use the filters to select the parameters that best suit the investment opportunity you are looking for. Select area, listing price and profitability, among others. You can save your searches and ask us to notify you when properties that are perfect for you arrive.

    Imagen busca
  • Analyze

    Everything you need to know about the property is at your disposition: Property characteristics: Images, floor plans and virtual tour.
    Neighborhood quality and Google Street view.
    Accede a los documentos de la propiedad, alquiler actual e informe de los inquilinos.
    Visualize the profitability of your investment.

    Imagen analiza
  • Buy

    Buy now: You can accept the purchase price and complete the procedures for the purchase-sale promise contract.
    Negotiate: You can make an offer and try to get a better price for the property. We will notify you when the seller has made a decision.

    Imagen compra
  • Close

    Sign the purchase promise contract and make the transfer for the amount of the reservation. It is the moment to gather the necessary documentation for the day of the public notary signature or to look for financing. We will advise you if you need it.

    Imagen cierra
  • Earn

    Start enjoying profitability from day one. Choose a manager for your property if you wish or contract a pre-granted non-payment insurance with your investment.

    Imagen gana